Virgo Season 2021

Virgo season arrives on Aug. 22nd, immediately after a full moon. The month ahead signals a more grounded grasp of the changes that are possible and currently unfolding. We are called to tend to what’s essential. Its ruler Mercury moves into thoughtful Libra on Aug. 29th. It will stay there for an extended period - yes, this means it goes retrograde at the end of September. The New Moon in Virgo on Sept. 6th is trine Uranus and happens on the same day Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow. Fresh ideas and strategies will be collected later on for further polishing. But for now, be brave and allow your discomfort to signify that you should go for it. Venus moves into Scorpio on Sept. 10th and Mars into Libra on Sept. 14th, collectively uncovering the unending pain that is being human. We must continue to care despite the exhaustion of grief. Finally, a Full Moon in Pisces on Sept. 20th appends the bookend of Virgo season, culminating whatever began in March 2021 to now.

It's highly recommended that you primarily read the horoscopes for your Rising sign. If you don't know your Rising Sign, you can read for your Sun (if born during the day) and/or Moon (if born at night) sign. Read it all if you like, and take what resonates. To figure out these placements, enter your birth date, location and precise birth time into an astrology app like Time Nomad or online at For more guidance on how all of these play together, visit

Flip through the carousel below to find the horoscope for your rising sign!


Charm Torres

Charm Torres is a Dewdrop’s resident astrologer and has been a professional astrologer and tarot reader since 2017. Charm provides natal, forecasting and locational astrology consultations and tarot readings. She has been a board member of Astrology Toronto since 2018.  Charm is one of the contributing writers for CHANI and has been featured in BBC, Global News Online, NFLUX Magazine and Beside Online Magazine. Charm produces content on her social media channels aiming to make astrology accessible for all. You can find out more about her at

horoscopescharm torres