presenting: the Droplet quarantini with yuzu ginger reishi & gin

When you’re trying to fight off germs, everyone has their go-to: orange juice, elderberry, garlic, zinc. Over here, we like our vitamin C from the fresh and distinct flavor of yuzu, a sweet, knobbly citrus from Japan.

Our Pretty Bright flavor is made with yuzu, ginger and reishi. Ginger is beloved in many cultures for its soothing properties, and reishi mushroom— well, reishi is great for the immune system!

We love drinking each flavor on its own and we’re definitely here for the health benefits. But, at the end of a long (and unbelievable) week, some of us might need a drink. This recipe is for a low ABV cocktail, with just 15% alcoholic content. We’d recommend making this with a quality gin, with beautiful botanical notes.

And you know what they say, alcohol is an anti-septic!


4 oz Dewdrop Pretty Bright
.75 oz Gin

1. Pour gin into a glass, over ice.
2. Fill glass 3/4 up with Dewdrop Pretty Bright.
3. Stir.
4. Enjoy!

Join us on Tuesday, November 17th at 5PM PST on Instagram Live for a Dewdrop Happy Hour with our founders! Order your Intro Kit and make some cocktails with us!

Note: COV-ID 19 is to be taken seriously. Click here for the latest updates on coronavirus from the New York Times.

Dewdrop - Yuzu Ginger Reishi Cocktail

our quarantini

Made with our Pretty Bright flavor, this refreshing cocktail is perfect for those moments when you’re in need of a little extra Vitamin C, an immune system boost… and maybe also some gin.

Celeste Perez